Mental health problems and risk of suicidal ideation and attempts in adolescents
Mental health problems and suicidal ideation
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Pediatrics ; vol. 146, no 1.Éditeur·s
American Academy of PediatricsAuteur·e·s
Background: Obtaining recent estimates of the prevalence of suicide-related outcomes across
adolescence, and its associated mental health problems (MHPs) is important for clinical practice.
We estimated prevalence of suicide-related outcomes at ages 13, 15, 17 and 20y (2011-2018) in
a contemporary population-based cohort and documented associations with MHPs throughout
Methods: Data were from 1618 participants from the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child
Development. Internalizing (depression, anxiety) and externalizing (oppositional/defiance,
conduct, attention deficit and/or hyperactivity) MHPs were assessed with validated
questionnaires. Outcomes were self-reported passive and serious suicidal ideation, and suicide
Results: Lifetime prevalence for passive suicidal ideation (13-17y), serious suicidal ideation, and
suicide attempt (13-20y) were 21.7%, 11.9%, and 6.7%, respectively. Prevalence was twice as
high for females than for males. Overall, rates of passive (15y-to-17y, 11.80%-18.40) and serious
ideation (13y-to-20y, 3.30%-9.50%) increased over time, but were stable for attempt (13y-to20y, 3.50%-3.80%). In univariable analyses, all MHPs were associated with suicide-related
outcomes at all ages (Risk Rate Ratios range: 2.57-3.10 for passive ideation to 2.10-4.36 for
suicide attempt), and associations were similar for males and females (sex-interaction Ps>.05).
Magnitude of associations were generally stronger for more severe suicide-related outcomes
(passive ideation<serious ideation<attempt). In multivariable analyses, internalizing problems
were associated with suicidal ideation, while both depressive and conduct symptoms were
associated with attempt.
Conclusion: Suicidal ideation and attempt were common, especially for females and youth
presenting depressive and conduct problem symptoms. Clinicians should systematically assess
suicidal risk in teens, especially in those presenting MHPs.
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