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dc.contributorWeulen Kranenbarg, Marleen
dc.contributorLeukfeldt, Rutger
dc.contributor.authorFaubert, Camille
dc.contributor.authorDécary-Hétu, David
dc.contributor.authorMalm, Aili
dc.contributor.authorRatcliffe, Jerry
dc.contributor.authorDupont, Benoît
dc.subjectWhat worksfr
dc.subjectPolice operationsfr
dc.subjectLaw enforcementfr
dc.titleLaw enforcement and disruption of offline and online activities : a review of comptemporary challengesfr
dc.typeChapitre de livre / Book chapterfr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté des arts et des sciences. École de criminologiefr
dcterms.abstractThe digital world represents a new frontier for law enforcement operations. The virtual nature of online communications creates challenges regarding legal frameworks and sovereignty that are exacerbated by the inherent context of the digital world, the current state of policing expertise and resources and the detection and reporting rates of cybercrimes. This book chapter presents an informed review of the current state of ‘what works’ in policing both offline and online, providing at each step the context needed to understand how new technologies impact police operations. Our conclusion suggests that new models of policing are indeed needed to effectively police the digital world and that cooperation through nodal governance could improve the ability of police agencies to regulate
UdeM.ReferenceFournieParDeposantFaubert, Camille & David Décary-Hétu & Aili Malm & Jerry Ratcliffe & Benoit Dupont. (2021). “Law Enforcement And Disruption Of Offline And Online Activities: A Review of Comptemporary Challenges” DANS Meulen Kranenberg, Marleen & Rutger Leukfeldt (éds). Cybercrime in Context: the Human Factor in Victimization, Offending, and Policing. Berlin, Allemagne:
oaire.citationTitleCybercrime in contextfr

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