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dc.contributorKammerer, Jorn A.
dc.contributorSchäfer, Hans-Bernd
dc.contributor.authorMackaay, Ejan
dc.publisherEdward Elgarfr
dc.subjectLaw and economicsfr
dc.subjectPublic choicefr
dc.subjectTechnological revolutions and bubble collapsesfr
dc.titleBrexit - populist reaction to the 2008 speculative bubble bursting?fr
dc.typeChapitre de livre / Book chapterfr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté de droitfr
dcterms.abstractAs evidence accumulates about the harmful effects Brexit is likely to cause to the British economy, one may wonder what made a majority of Brits vote to leave the EU. Rather than treat it as a fit of ill temper or an unfortunate accident, this paper explores the idea that it should be seen as a populist reaction triggered by the burst of the speculative bubble in 2008-2009 and the subsequent economic mayhem. To make the case, the paper looks at (1) what populism is, (2) how it can arise as part of long-term economic waves and (3) what precisely happened in Britain before and after
UdeM.ReferenceFournieParDeposantEjan Mackaay, Brexit - populist reaction to the 2008 speculative bubble bursting? forthcoming in Kämmerer, Jörn Axel and Hans-Bernd Schäfer (eds), Brexit - Legal and Economic Aspects of a Political Divorce, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, May
oaire.citationTitleBrexit : legal and economic aspects of a political divorcefr

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