On the topicality and research impact of special issues
Article [Version of Record]
The publication of special issues constitute an important yet underinvestigated phenomenon of
scholarly communication. In an attempt to draw attention to the proliferation of special issues,
Priem (2006) suggested that their commissioning has an underestimated opportunity cost,
given the relative scarcity of publication space: by distorting the “marketplace for ideas” through
the commanding of preselected topical distributions, special issues undermine the total research
output by “squeezing out” high-quality but topically unrelated articles. The present paper
attempts to test this hypothesis by providing a topicality and research impact analysis of
conference-based, monographic, and regular issues published between 2010 and 2015
inclusive and indexed in Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science. The results show that the titles and
abstracts of articles copublished are topically closer to each other than those copublished in
regular issues, which suggests that their relative importance might influence the total topical
distribution. However, disciplinary and overall comparison of relative citations for both
special and regular issues shows that intraissue averages and variances in the former case are
respectively higher and lower than in the regular issue context, which undermines not only the
abovementioned hypothesis, but also the belief that editors often “fill up” special issues by
accepting substandard papers.