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Factors influencing the practice of new graduate nurses : a focused ethnography of acute care settings

dc.contributor.authorCharette, Martin
dc.contributor.authorGoudreau, Johanne
dc.contributor.authorBourbonnais, Anne
dc.subjectCompetency-based educationfr
dc.subjectNursing educationfr
dc.subjectNursing education researchfr
dc.subjectClinical competencefr
dc.subjectQualitative researchfr
dc.subjectFocused ethnographyfr
dc.subjectNew graduate nursefr
dc.subjectAcute care settingfr
dc.titleFactors influencing the practice of new graduate nurses : a focused ethnography of acute care settingsfr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté des sciences infirmièresfr
dcterms.abstractAim: To explore the influence of an acute care setting on competency deployment of new graduate nurses (NGNs) from a competency -based undergraduate programme . Background: In the last 15 years, nursing education has shifted to competency -based education (CBE). Few studies have focused on how NGNs from these reformed programmes use the competencies they have developed. To be paradigmatically coherent with the nature of a competence, studies should also examine how context influences nursing practice and competency deployment. Design: A focused ethnography of three acute care units from one academic hospital in Canada. Methods: Purposive and snowball sampling strategies were used to recruit 19 participants: NGNs (n = 4), nurse preceptors (n = 2), clinical nurse specialists (n = 9) , and nurse managers (n = 4). Data were collected through individual interviews, focus groups , observation and documentation. Data were analysed according to Roper and Shapira’s (2000) ethnographic nursing analysis framework. Results: Organizational and individual factors were identified as influencing NGNs ’ competenc y deployment. Organizational factors are orientation, stability, workload, and the scientific culture of the unit. Personal factors have been linked to groups of professionals: for NGNs, personality and clinical placements during their initial education; for nurses working with NGNs, to be role models, to promote integration and to denounce bullying; and for other health professionals, to recognize nursing expertise. Conclusion: One way to s mooth the transition from academic to clinical settings for NGNs is by offering transition or orientation programmes that will provide them with stability and a reduced workload, allowing them to progressively deploy their competencies. Relevance to clinical practice: Organizational and individual factors influence how new graduate nurses deploy their competencies. Clinical educators and nurse managers can help new nurses by acting on these
dcterms.alternativeFactors influencing new graduate nursesfr
UdeM.ReferenceFournieParDeposantdoi: 10.1111/jocn.14959fr
UdeM.VersionRioxxVersion acceptée / Accepted Manuscriptfr
oaire.citationTitleJournal of clinical nursing

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