Toolbox in RCRC : synthesis of responsible conduct in research-creation issues and proposal of reflective tools
Trousse d'accompagnement en CRRC : synthèse des enjeux de conduite responsable en recherche-création et proposition d'outils réflexifs
Matériel didactique
- Research-creation
- Responsible conduct of research
- Responsible conduct in research-creation
- Breach of responsible research-creation
- Best practices in responsible conduct in research-creation
- Authorship
- Conflicts of interest
- Conflicts of commitment
- Diffusion
- Evaluation
- Case studies
- Ethics
- Data managment
- Tools
Because of its singularity in the academic landscape, research-creation (RC) raises a series of issues in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), particularly with regard to conflicts of interest and commitments, the dissemination of results and all its forms of evaluation. As the first research project to focus on the intersection between RC and RCR – which we called "Responsible Conduct in Research-Creation" or RCRC – we wanted to explore these issues and determine their specificities from the point of view of RC and by using a variety of methods. Our research shows that RCR has difficulty in taking into account the specificities of RC practices in its application and, conversely, that the ethical reflections on research produced by the community of RC rarely mobilize the concepts of RCR or do so only indirectly. However, many areas of overlap and a desire for collaboration on the part of RCR and RC actors were noted during this research project, highlighting the need to continue and intensify the dialogue between these two communities.
The Toolkit for RCRC, developed as part of this project, provides a nuanced and practice-oriented view of RCRC in specific RC contexts. Aimed at building mutual awareness and the facilitation of dialogue between the RCR and RC communities, this Toolkit consists of an Accompanying Guide in RCRC, as well as several tools with specific content and objectives that can be used alone or in combination with the Toolkit:
● Tool 1: RCRC Checklist - provides key questions and practical considerations for researcher-creators to promote RCRC;
● Tool 2: Summary of Recommendations for RCRC - presents institutional recommendations for RCRC;
● Tool 3 - Case Studies of RCRC Breaches - illustrates and exemplifies key RCR failures through examples of specific RC practices;
● Tool 4: Podcast on COI and CC in RC - addresses the conflicts of interest and commitments encountered by researcher-creators in academic contexts.
This Toolkit was produced as part of the research project Responsible Conduct in Research-Creation: Providing Creative Tools to Meet the Challenges of an Emerging Field. It was funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) as part of the Concerted Action La conduite responsable en recherche : mieux comprendre pour mieux agir (2016-2018) [Responsible Conduct of Research: A Better Understanding for More Effective Action]. A brainstorming workshop held in November 2017 was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and several institutional partners. Project website: www.crr-rc-rcr.caAutre·s version·s linguistique·s
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