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dc.contributor.authorFoulon, Stéphanie
dc.contributor.authorPingault, Jean-Baptiste
dc.contributor.authorLarroque, Béatrice
dc.contributor.authorMelchior, Maria
dc.contributor.authorFalissard, Bruno
dc.contributor.authorCôté, Sylvana
dc.publisherPublic Library of Sciencefr
dc.titleDevelopmental predictors of inattention-hyperactivity from pregnancy to early childhoodfr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. École de santé publique. Département de médecine sociale et préventivefr
dcterms.abstractObjective The objective of the study was to characterize the developmental sequence of pre- and postnatal risk factors for inattention-hyperactivity symptoms in preschoolers. Materials and Methods Longitudinal data came from a French population based birth cohort study (EDEN; N = 1311 mother-child pairs followed from the pregnancy onwards). Inattention-hyperactivity symptoms were assessed with the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire when participating children were 3 years of age. Potential risk factors were classified in four domains (fetal exposures and child somatic characteristics, child temperament, child neurodevelopmental status, psychosocial environment) and four periods (before pregnancy, prenatal/birth, infancy, toddlerhood). Their role as potential moderator or mediator was tested with path analysis to determine the developmental sequence.Results A low family socioeconomic status before pregnancy was the main environmental risk factor for inattention-hyperactivity symptoms at 3 years, and its effect occurred via two pathways. The first was a risk pathway, where lower SES was associated with higher maternal depression and anxiety during pregnancy; then to higher maternal and child distress and dysregulation in infancy; and in turn to higher levels of inattention-hyperactivity at 3 years. The second was a protective pathway, where higher SES was associated with longer duration of breastfeeding during infancy; then to better child neurodevelopmental status in toddlerhood; and in turn to lower levels of inattention-hyperactivity at 3 years. Discussion This study identified psychosocial factors at several developmental periods that represent potential targets for preventing the emergence of inattention-hyperactivity symptoms in early
UdeM.ReferenceFournieParDeposantFoulon, S., Pingault, J.-B., Larroque, B., Melchior, M., Falissard, B. & Côté, S. M. (2015) Developmental predictors of inattention-hyperactivity from pregnancy to early childhood. PLoS One, 10(5), e0125996fr
UdeM.VersionRioxxVersion publiée / Version of Recordfr
oaire.citationTitlePLoS one

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