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dc.contributor.authorGrenier, Sébastien
dc.contributor.authorStefan, Parent
dc.contributor.authorCheriet, Farida
dc.description.sponsorshipCIHR / IRSCfr
dc.subject3D reconstruction
dc.subjectPredictive model
dc.subjectSemi-automatic segmentation
dc.subjectRib cage
dc.subjectClinical assessment
dc.titlePersonalized 3D reconstruction of the rib cage for clinical assessment of trunk deformitiesfr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté de médecine. Département de chirurgiefr
dcterms.abstractScoliosis is a 3D deformity of the spine and rib cage. Extensive validation of 3D reconstruction methods of the spine from biplanar radiography has already been published. In this article, we propose a novel method to reconstruct the rib cage, using the same biplanar views as for the 3D reconstruction of the spine, to allow clinical assessment of whole trunk deformities. This technique uses a semi-automatic segmentation of the ribs in the postero-anterior X-ray view and an interactive segmentation of partial rib edges in the lateral view. The rib midlines are automatically extracted in 2D and reconstructed in 3D using the epipolar geometry. For the ribs not visible in the lateral view, the method predicts their 3D shape. The accuracy of the proposed method has been assessed using data obtained from a synthetic bone model as a gold standard and has also been evaluated using data of real patients with scoliotic deformities. Results show that the reconstructed ribs enable a reliable evaluation of the rib axial rotation, which will allow a 3D clinical assessment of the spine and rib cage
UdeM.VersionRioxxVersion acceptée / Accepted Manuscript
oaire.citationTitleMedical engineering and physics

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