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dc.contributor.authorBosoi, Cristina R.
dc.contributor.authorZwingmann, Claudia
dc.contributor.authorMarin, Helen A.
dc.contributor.authorParent-Robitaille, Christian
dc.contributor.authorHuynh, Jimmy
dc.contributor.authorTremblay, Mélanie
dc.contributor.authorRose, Christopher
dc.description.sponsorshipCanadian Institutes of Health Research. CB:Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santéfr
dc.subjectChronic liver failurefr
dc.subjectHepatic encephalopathyfr
dc.subjectNuclear magnetic resonancefr
dc.subjectBrain edemafr
dc.subjectMaladie du foie en phase terminalefr
dc.subjectEncéphalopathie hépatiquefr
dc.subjectAcide lactiquefr
dc.subjectRésonance magnétique nucléaire biomoléculairefr
dc.subjectOedème cérébralfr
dc.titleIncreased brain lactate is central to the development of brain edema in rats with chronic liver diseasefr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté de médecinefr
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversité de Montréal. Faculté de médecine. Centre de recherche du CHUMfr
dcterms.abstractThe pathogenesis of brain edema in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) and minimal hepatic encephalopathy (HE) remains undefined. This study evaluated the role of brain lactate, glutamine and organic osmolytes, including myo-inositol and taurine, in the development of brain edema in a rat model of cirrhosis.Six-week bile-duct ligated (BDL) rats were injected with (13)C-glucose and de novo synthesis of lactate, and glutamine in the brain was quantified using (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). Total brain lactate, glutamine, and osmolytes were measured using (1)H NMR or high performance liquid chromatography. To further define the interplay between lactate, glutamine and brain edema, BDL rats were treated with AST-120 (engineered activated carbon microspheres) and dichloroacetate (DCA: lactate synthesis inhibitor).Significant increases in de novo synthesis of lactate (1.6-fold, p<0.001) and glutamine (2.2-fold, p<0.01) were demonstrated in the brains of BDL rats vs. SHAM-operated controls. Moreover, a decrease in cerebral myo-inositol (p<0.001), with no change in taurine, was found in the presence of brain edema in BDL rats vs. controls. BDL rats treated with either AST-120 or DCA showed attenuation in brain edema and brain lactate. These two treatments did not lead to similar reductions in brain glutamine.Increased brain lactate, and not glutamine, is a primary player in the pathogenesis of brain edema in CLD. In addition, alterations in the osmoregulatory response may also be contributing factors. Our results suggest that inhibiting lactate synthesis is a new potential target for the treatment of
UdeM.VersionRioxxVersion acceptée / Accepted Manuscript
oaire.citationTitleJournal of hepatology

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