Now showing items 1-10 of 1172

  • How to write a bad cover letter : to be taken seriously, avoid these mistakes 

    Comment écrire une mauvaise lettre de présentation : pour être pris au sérieux, évitez ces erreurs
    Williams-Jones, Bryn (2024-11-05)
    A good cover letter is a key entry point for evaluating job applications, as it’s often read first. But all too often people get it wrong, for example, by trying to be too creative, talking too much about their past and not what they can contribute in ...
  • Unfounded accusations : the cost to relationships, careers and mental health can be substantial 

    Accusations sans fondement : le coût pour les relations, les carrières et la santé mentale peut être considérable
    Williams-Jones, Bryn (2024-10-22)
    In any organization, disagreements can lead to conflict and even accusations of misconduct. These claims must be treated with due diligence, protecting confidentiality of all those involved. False claims, if spread, can severely damage reputations, ...
  • Taking risks and seizing opportunities : you need to have the right frame of mind to see the possibilities 

    Prendre des risques et saisir les opportunités : vous devez être dans un bon état d’esprit pour voir les possibilités qui se présentent à vous
    Williams-Jones, Bryn (2024-10-15)
    Building an interdisciplinary identity involves exploring new paths of learning, and this is extremely stimulating. But it can also be disconcerting and discouraging, especially when we lose sight of our destination and see only obstacles on the path ...
  • Les composés organiques volatils d’origine microbienne comme potentiels biomarqueurs d’exposition aux moisissures en milieux professionnels : développement de méthodes de quantification 

    Tabbal, Sarah (2024-09-11)
    Les moisissures sont considérées comme un des facteurs affectant la qualité de l'air intérieur. L'exposition professionnelle aux moisissures peut affecter la santé des travailleurs. Selon l’espèce de moisissure, la dose d'exposition et la sensibilité ...
  • Being a good head of department : lessons for those considering a move to senior management 

    Être un bon chef de département : suggestions pour ceux qui envisagent de passer à un poste de cadre supérieur
    Williams-Jones, Bryn (2024-10-08)
    For those who may be forced into or willingly take on leadership responsibilities, a shift in perspective is needed. Much of the work will be invisible to colleagues (boring administration for many) and involve managing personalities and frequent problem ...
  • Having a child made us more efficient : When your time is not your own, you have to use it wisely 

    Avoir un enfant nous a rendus plus efficaces : Lorsque votre temps ne vous appartient pas, vous devez l’utiliser à bon escient
    Williams-Jones, Bryn (2024-10-01)
    Having children inevitably changes your focus and priorities, and the time for professional and personal activities. You have to find a balance between work and family life, and to determine what is important and what isn’t. You find ways to do things ...
  • Is there life after the PhD? The PhD is not just for academia 

    Y a-t-il une vie après le doctorat? Le doctorat n’est pas réservé aux emplois universitaires
    Williams-Jones, Bryn (2024-09-24)
    An academic career is obviously not for everyone. Given the incredible competition for faculty positions, PhD graduates need to have other opportunities in mind. A good starting point is to think about and make explicit the skills gained during graduate ...
  • Three metaphors for bioethics : the winding forest path, multilingualism and mixed martial arts 

    Trois métaphores pour la bioéthique : Le chemin forestier sinueux, le multilinguisme et les arts martiaux mixtes
    Williams-Jones, Bryn (2024-09-17)
    The interdisciplinary nature of bioethics as field of research and practice can be hard to explain to students and sometimes difficult to justify to disciplinary colleagues. Three metaphors may be helpful in explaining and accepting our interdisciplinary ...
  • The globe-trotting academic : a privilege that shouldn’t be taken for granted 

    L’universitaire globe-trotter : un privilège qui ne doit pas être considéré comme acquis
    Williams-Jones, Bryn (2024-09-10)
    It’s easy to take for granted the facility with which academics can travel. Conferences, workshops, committees, and fieldwork all provide opportunities (very often with expenses paid) to network and build our careers, with the added benefit of combining ...
  • The limits of institutional loyalty : loyalty must be earned, not expected 

    Les limites de la loyauté institutionnelle : la loyauté doit être méritée et non attendue
    Williams-Jones, Bryn (2024-09-03)
    Loyalty to an employer or an institution should not be expected but earned. It should be anchored in a healthy work environment of mutual respect, and with opportunities for career progression and learning. When the interests of employees diverge from ...